This guide prepared by Caffeine Creations

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ActiveCampaign Forms + Flyouts

All your embedded CRM forms on the site are kept track of under Entries > CRM Forms (under the Channels category, alongside Blog, Events, People, etc.). Whenever you make a change to a form in ActiveCampaign – which includes adding, editing, or removing any fields (text fields, radio fields, CAPTCHAs, etc.) – you'll need to update the form's embed code in Craft so that your site is displaying the latest version. To do so:

  1. In ActiveCampaign, after you've make changes to your form, click the Integrate button in the upper-right corner of the window.
  2. Click the Full Embed text box, then copy it using the provided keyboard shortcut.
  3. In Craft under Entries > CRM Forms, click the associated form to edit it.
  4. Replace the contents of the Form Embed Code field with what you just copied to the clipboard.
  5. Click the dropdown arrow beside Save, and select Save and continue editing. You've now updated the English version of the form.
  6. If the form has a French language version, edit that form in ActiveCampaign, and click the Integrate button.
  7. Click the Full Embed text box, then copy it using the provided keyboard shortcut.
  8. In Craft, from the language selector dropdown (it should say "English"), select "Français".
  9. Replace the contents of the Form Embed Code field with what you just copied to the clipboard.
  10. Click Save. You've now updated the French version of the form.

If you wish to add a new CRM form for integration on your Craft site (linking to the form is explained further below):

  1. In ActiveCampaign, create a new form or edit an existing one. After you're happy with the state of the form you wish to add to Craft, click the Integrate button in the upper-right corner of the window.
  2. Click the Full Embed text box, then copy it using the provided keyboard shortcut.
  3. In Craft under Entries > CRM Forms, click + New entry.
  4. Give the form an appropriate title.
  5. Replace the contents of the Form Embed Code field with what you just copied to the clipboard.
  6. Click the dropdown arrow beside Create, and select Create and continue editing.
  7. If the form should have a French language version, create/edit that form in ActiveCampaign, and click the Integrate button.
  8. Click the Full Embed text box, then copy it using the provided keyboard shortcut.
  9. In Craft, from the language selector dropdown, select "Français".
  10. Replace the contents of the Form Embed Code field with what you just copied to the clipboard.
  11. Click Save. You now have a bilingual CRM form ready for use in Craft.

You can create buttons in Craft that will open any of the CRM forms in a fly-out (the same style that the footer's Contact Us button uses). To do so:

  1. In Craft, edit any Entry which offers a button field. This includes the Hero (optionally), Image and Copy block, Centered Copy & Button block, Stats & Copy block, and a few others.
  2. For the button, select the "Entry" link type from the dropdown. Then click + Select Entry.
  3. Click the CRM Forms category on the left.
  4. Click the form you'd like to have fly out when this button is clicked, then click Select.
  5. Save the Entry you're editing (using Save and continue editing to stay on the same page, if desired).
  6. Lastly, be sure to edit the French version of the entry as well, and make that button link to the same form.

If you encounter a piece of content in Craft that provides a link or button, but by the way it was coded it doesn't explicitly use a button field (and thus doesn't allow for a CRM form fly-out when clicked), in all likelihood I can modify the code to convert it to a proper button and support that ability. Just let us know and we'll scope it to a new task in Asana.