Meet Code for Canada's CEO

Dorothy Eng

Dorothy Eng

May 4, 2021

Dorothy Eng speaking on stage at FWD50
Dorothy Eng speaking on stage at FWD50

Dorothy's title was updated from Executive Director to CEO in 2024.

Hi. I’m Dorothy. I’m a civic technologist. And I’m also Code for Canada’s CEO!

Stepping into this role is truly an honour and a privilege. Some of you might know me as the former Director of Partnerships at Code for Canada. I was also one of the first members of the Board of Directors. Since then, I’ve had countless conversations with our community of public servants, collaborators, and contributors. Talking to others, seeing their eyes light up, and almost sensing the neurons firing in their brains about Code for Canada’s mission reminds me how important this work is.

It's really nice to meet you

My passion for civic tech began early in life, before the movement even had a name. I’m a second generation Chinese Canadian born and raised in Toronto by parents who have roots in Hong Kong and southern China. Growing up in a predominantly white neighbourhood, I was used to being the only Asian kid in my class. While my family didn’t look like most others in our community, my parents worked hard to provide my brother and I with an enriching childhood. We took advantage of all the opportunities available to us: soccer teams, local fundraisers, jazz band, volunteer food drives, Girl Guides, even a stained glass window camp (?!). My parents found joy in getting involved in our community and I’ve carried that passion with me throughout my life.

Dorothy as a young child, sitting in a couch along with her parents and sibling.
Dorothy as a young child, sitting in a couch along with her parents and sibling.

So even as I pursued an engineering degree and became a technology consultant and product manager, I kept looking for ways to give back and get engaged. I volunteered with CivicAction’s incredible Emerging Leaders Network and worked on initiatives to help build the civic capacity of rising leaders. And along with Code for Canada’s co-founder, Gabe Sawhney, I was part of the team that launched Civic Tech Toronto in 2015. Watching that community grow from a few people in a room together to one of the largest civic tech communities in North America convinced me that I wanted to do civic tech full-time.

Dorothy, along with five other organizers, attends the first Civic Tech Toronto meetup. A slide deck with the words "hack for change" is seen in the background.
Dorothy, along with five other organizers, attends the first Civic Tech Toronto meetup. A slide deck with the words "hack for change" is seen in the background.

Civic tech for a post-COVID Canada

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that well-designed digital services -- like the COVID screening applications developed by Ontario and Alberta -- can help residents and restore their trust in government. But the pandemic has also demonstrated how less-than-stellar services, notably difficult vaccine registration platforms, can do just the opposite.

At the same time, COVID has also compounded the inequities in our society; one look at the data from the pandemic should be enough to show you that issues of race, class and gender are intersectional. I feel strongly that any solution to rising inequality requires government. As both institutions in need of reform and institutions with the power to affect widespread social change, governments need to play a leading role in dismantling systemic barriers.

As civic technologists, the pandemic should be a call to action to ask ourselves how we can help tackle such wicked problems. Like Jen Pahlka says: “we can’t sit there and blame government for not being everything we hope it could be. It’s our job as citizens to get involved and make it work.”

As I step into my new role, I’ve been thinking a lot about how Code for Canada and the civic tech movement can grow and pivot to address the needs raised by COVID-19. It’s early days, but here’s how I think we can help (and hey, this might change; we try to be as agile and iterative as possible and that extends to our vision and strategy):

So that’s what’s on our plate, and we’re keen to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

This work takes a village

I’m just one person. The work of Code for Canada and civic tech is made possible through the community of practitioners, contributors, public servants and advocates. In my new role, I see myself as someone who’s here to empower others to grow in their work and help them realize their potential.

To our partners and our community, I’m here to listen. There’s a ton that I don’t know and that’s OK! We’re all going through a continuous learning process because that’s the only way we can figure out the kind of change we need to make in the world. Through connecting with government partners of all sizes and community organizers across the country, I’m hoping to have candid conversations about your needs and collaboratively figure out how we can help.

I’ve told our team that I always have an open door policy and that extends to you. If you’re working (or want to be) at the intersection of technology, design, and the common good, I want to hear from you! My inbox is always open:, or you can find me on LinkedIn.

I can’t wait to hear from you.

Dorothy at Code for Canada's launch, holding her child in front of a "Code for Canada" banner
Dorothy at Code for Canada's launch, holding her child in front of a "Code for Canada" banner