Connect with diverse communities to build better products

We make user research easy by handling every step of the user testing process

Person typing on laptop while smiling to the person next to them

Digital products and services built with user input just work better.

Our user research and testing service aims to make that happen. We simplify user testing by connecting our partners with our diverse pool of testers across Canada.

We manage every step of the process so you can focus on what matters — creating a best-in-class digital solution that meets user needs.

People working on laptops around a table with a group standing looking at wall of sticky notes in background

How it works

We connect you with the right people

Our testing pool includes residents from across Canada with a wide range of backgrounds, lived experiences and abilities. Whoever you’re trying to reach, we’ll help you meet them.

We take care of the hard stuff

From recruiting testers, to facilitating interviews, to compensating participants, we handle every step of the testing process.

We leave you with crucial insights

We synthesize our research into easy-to-digest reports for you and your stakeholders. 

Interested in joining our testing pool?

Get paid to give your input on digital products and services designed to serve you.

Learn More

"The benefits of working with Code for Canada to ensure diversity in our research extend beyond fulfilling our values, into actionable insights that drive product impact."

- Katie Hill, Connected

Success stories

Helping the City of Toronto Improve Its Shelter Intake Process

Helping the City of Kingston Understand the Needs of Residents

Helping BC Residents Find Family Doctors

Our clients

City of toronto logo
Transport Canada
Ontario digital service